Most Empowering Women Leaders From USA 2023

Innovation Intertwines with Tradition

Emma Butler

Founder and CEO,


Emma Butler - Empathy in Fashion, Empowerment in Leadership

In the intricate tapestry of the fashion industry, where innovation intertwines with tradition, Emma Butler emerges as a luminary. Her venture, Liberare, stands as a testament to the power of clothing to transform and empower. Spearheading the adaptive fashion movement, Butler’s journey from a compassionate observer of her mother’s struggles to the CEO of a pioneering brand has been nothing short of inspirational. Recognized as one of the “Most Empowering Women Leaders From USA 2023” by Tradeflock, Butler’s narrative is a compelling saga of innovation, empathy, and leadership.

Emma Butler’s narrative is deeply personal and universally resonant. Witnessing her mother’s battle with chronic pain and the consequent challenges of daily dressing, Butler experienced firsthand the glaring oversight in fashion’s inclusivity. This formative experience ignited a passion that would later become Liberare. With a background enriched by empathy and a keen eye for design, Butler embarked on a mission to redefine the boundaries of fashion. Her collegiate years further solidified her resolve, as encounters with friends facing similar challenges underscored the pervasive need for adaptive clothing.

The seeds for Liberare were sown in Butler’s heart long before its official inception. The brand’s journey, initially under the name Intimately, encapsulates years of research, ideation, and a steadfast commitment to inclusivity. Launched in 2022 but rooted in endeavors that began in 2018, Liberare quickly distinguished itself through its innovative approach to design. By prioritizing accessibility without compromising on aesthetics, Butler carved a niche for Liberare in the adaptive fashion landscape.

At the helm of Liberare, Butler embodies a leadership ethos grounded in empathy, innovation, and inclusivity. She champions a collaborative work culture, where creativity and open dialogue flourish. Butler’s leadership transcends conventional hierarchies, fostering an environment where every team member’s voice contributes to the collective mission. This democratic and hands-on approach has been pivotal in Liberare’s journey, reflecting in the brand’s empathetic and functional designs.

The path to redefining fashion inclusivity was fraught with obstacles. Industry skepticism and the technical intricacies of designing functional yet stylish adaptive clothing posed significant challenges. Butler’s resilience in the face of these obstacles showcases her determination and belief in Liberare’s mission. By transforming these challenges into stepping stones, Butler has steered Liberare toward innovation and success, proving the power of perseverance and vision.

Emma Butler’s innovative leadership and Liberare’s impact on fashion inclusivity have not gone unnoticed. Being named one of the “Most Empowering Women Leaders From USA 2023” by Tradeflock is a milestone that celebrates Butler’s contributions to the industry and society at large. This accolade, among others, underscores the transformative influence of Butler’s vision and the tangible difference Liberare has made in the lives of many.

Butler envisions a world where fashion transcends aesthetic appeal to become a vessel for empowerment and accessibility. Her forward-looking ambitions for Liberare extend beyond expanding its product line. Butler is committed to breaking down barriers and ensuring that fashion is inclusive, dignified, and empowering for everyone. This vision propels Liberare’s ongoing mission and underscores its potential to instigate broader change in the industry.

Since its launch, Liberare has revolutionized the way adaptive clothing is perceived and utilized. Products like the front-closure bra exemplify Liberare’s commitment to innovation, combining practicality with elegance. This breakthrough product, among others, reflects Liberare’s ethos: to create clothing that is not only accessible and comfortable but also imbues a sense of beauty and confidence in its wearers.

Emma Butler’s narrative with Liberare is a poignant reminder of the transformative power of fashion when driven by empathy and innovation. Her recognition as one of the “Most Empowering Women Leaders From USA 2023” by Tradeflock is more than an accolade; it’s a testament to the impact of Butler’s vision and Liberare’s mission. As Liberare continues to evolve under Butler’s stewardship, it remains a beacon of hope, empowerment, and innovation in the fashion industry, inspiring a more inclusive future for all.