abhinav singh

Abhinav is an experienced editor who meticulously researches editorials and fosters thought-provoking discussions while maintaining high editorial standards. He decodes complex information into engaging narratives that resonate with audiences. With a passion for diving deep into diverse topics, he ensures to craft the best possible content.
Top 10 Platform Engineering Trends for Business

Top 10 Platform Engineering Trends for Business

In the digital landscape, technology constantly evolves based on the latest business trends, with integral solutions that drive better growth and progress. One of the emerging fields of technology is platform engineering, which helps businesses navigate challenges. This tech contributes to building toolchains and setting workflows that improve capabilities for software upgrades. According to Gartner,…

Want To Fund Your Startup? Try These Crowdfunding Platforms

Want To Fund Your Startup? Try These Crowdfunding Platforms

The startup ecosystem is growing by leaps and bounds with every passing month. As of now, there are around 77,672 well-established startups in the USA. Moreover, On average, the United States sees 4.7 million new business registrations yearly. This paints a rather good picture of the startup landscape of the USA. However, if you’d ask…