
A Survival Guide For New CEOs Who Aren’t Experts

A Survival Guide For New CEOs Who Aren’t Experts

Being the CEO of a company is not easy. A recent study by McKinsey & Company and HBR (Havard Business Review) reveals that in America, the turnover of CEOs is around 50%, and around 75% of the CEOs are considered failing within 18 months of their joining. They further added that more than 90% of…

Top 6 Proven Advice For First-Time Business Owners

Top 6 Proven Advice For First-Time Business Owners

More and more people are starting their own companies because they understand that being your boss is the best. However, opening a new business can be difficult, especially for first-time business owners. The young entrepreneurs face several challenges throughout their journey because they lack potential strategies and experience. Are you also a young entrepreneur? If…

A Comprehensive Guide On Business Credit Score

A Comprehensive Guide On Business Credit Score

A business credit score is a metric used to judge the creditworthiness of your business. Why is it important for you? As an entrepreneur, you know that maintaining a positive cash flow every year is difficult, and sometimes, it becomes necessary to process a loan to carry out your operations. This is where credit rating…

Success Landscape Startups Aiming For 2024

Success Landscape Startups Aiming For 2024

As the world delves into 2024, innovation has been submerged into startup ethos as a pivot strategy for growth and expansion. Amid the dark cloud of recessions and layoffs, the paradigm shift in startup success has built multifacet parameters for its survival and success. Looking at the horizon, financial acumen, strategic planning, fostering resilience, and…