Artificial Intelligence

A Major Setback For OpenAI: Co-Founder Leaves, Joins Rival

A Major Setback For OpenAI: Co-Founder Leaves, Joins Rival

In a major setback, the American artificial intelligence research organization OpenAI has lost its Co-Founder, John Schulman. He said in a post on X that he would be leaving Microsoft-backed OpenAI for its rival and Amazon-backed company, Anthropic. This move to change companies came just three months after OpenAI shut down its super alignment team….

Will AI Replace Software Engineers? The Future Of Coding

Will AI Replace Software Engineers? The Future Of Coding

Today, AI has become a big part of our lives, especially in creative sectors. AI is much more efficient than humans and can work hours without missing a beat. As more and more industries are starting to incorporate AI in their business operations, the danger of unemployment is looming over everyone’s head. However, some professions…

USA Startup Ecosystem: The Evolving Entrepreneur Landscape

USA Startup Ecosystem: The Evolving Entrepreneur Landscape

The startup trend is gaining more and more traction as the days pass by. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor or GEM report, the USA startup landscape has seen a surge in the number of entrepreneurs in the country, both male and female. The report stated that female entrepreneurs increased by 18%, while a 20%…

Tech Horizons: Strategic New Technology Trends In 2024

Tech Horizons: Strategic New Technology Trends In 2024

The world of technology is evolving rapidly, with continuous transformative changes across various sectors. From integrating Artificial intelligence (AI) into everyday life to the expansion of decentralized technologies like Blockchain, the landscape of innovation is vast and dynamic. As we are seeing a new wave of technology trends in 2024 and beyond, it becomes crucial…

Morgan Stanley Promotes Jeff McMillan As A Head Of AI

Morgan Stanley Promotes Jeff McMillan As A Head Of AI

According to a CNBC report, Morgan Stanley, a global financial services firm, has promoted a tech executive in its wealth management division to become the bank’s first head of firm-wide Artificial Intelligence. The firm is promoting Jeff McMillan, a veteran of a New York-based Bank, to aid in implementing AI across its functions, per the…